12 Home Improvements Projects That Can Add Value to Your Property

Why Adding Value To Your Home?

Everybody dreams of having the perfect living place, equipped with all the facilities, and more than a normal home, which will not only give you physical comfort but also the inner pleasure you always looked for.

Anyway, whatever your aim is, whether you are adding value to your home before putting it on a potential future sale, or just for your self-satisfaction and your family, you would like to do it right. Hey there, homeowners! Are you thinking about sprucing up your humble dwell and wondering if it's worth the investment?

Well, let me tell you, adding value to your home is more than just a cosmetic makeover. It's about making smart improvements that not only enhance your living space but also increase the overall worth of your property. From hiring architects to diving into the world of architecture trends, this post blog will show you why home renovation and improvement projects are worth it! Therefore, good planning is always the key!

So, let's get started and unlock the secrets to a valuable and stylish home.

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A dirty brown wooden stepladder inside a room, preparing for the renovating project, Photo by Blue Bird from Pexels

Why are people turning to DIY home improvements?

We are always aware of how we can get better services in exchange for lower expenses. Therefore, why pay money for your home improvement work once you can get it on or by yourself? Recently, there has been a decrease in consumer confidence in the building and housing industry. This is exactly what might be an additional reason why many are now doing home improvements by themselves, or what we called shortly the “DIYs”.

Why not? A slight knowledge of the technical factors combined with a talented eye for creativity is enough to make the house improve on its own. To answer the question of this section, we can find the following:

Many construction workers who don't have enough experience or expertise in construction or home maintenance are out there.

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Fig. 2- Home renovation chaos, Photo by Rene Asmussen from Pexels

As a result, homeowners are finding that the work isn't being completed to meet their satisfaction. Even more, they were paying for additional services that weren't expected as part of the initial plan. Shortly, you do not need to depend on and pay someone to enhance your home, while you can make it on your own. Right?

I know it might be embarrassing for many, especially for those experiencing their first time in the industry. But I’m quite sure that with goodwill and the right guidance, you can make it!

Add Value To Your Home With These Home Improvement Tips

In this article, I will be sharing the 12 most essential and useful tips to get you started, that can add value to your home in a way to make it more valuable and thus, sellable and marketable property.

1- EXTENDING THE HOUSE. This is often expensive and requires your full attention. For it to feature value, you ought to make sure that the newly created space brings in additional functionality and adapts to the general home design.

2- LOFT AND BASEMENT CONVERSION. Convert the loft into an additional bedroom, if possible. Another option is to convert the lower floor to extend the entire living area of the house. However, these involve heavy construction work, and homeowners are advised to ask experts for guidance and help.

3- ADDING BEDROOMS. Without any doubt, extra bedrooms add value to a home. Research shows that an additional bedroom can increase its value by over 11%. Though this home improvement can add value, one must make sure that the house doesn't get crowded by this addition, therefore it is always advised to have experts at your side and ready for intervention. 

4- OPENING UP SPACE. Most people value homes that have natural air and lightweight. Yet, it's likewise essential to possess closed spaces for privacy. Therefore, homeowners who prefer to break down some walls in their homes should consider not demolishing a wall that will be important for load-bearing.

5- WATER-BASED CONCRETE PAINTS are an alternative to acid paints and are more user-friendly because they are much less toxic. These stains don't chemically react with the concrete; they're absorbed into the surface pores and act as a colorant. The large advantage of water-based paints is that a big selection of colors is available. (Fig. 3)

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Fig.3- Water-based concrete paints are user-friendly, Photo by La Miko from Pexels

6- HEATING SYSTEM SYSTEMS. Not a lot of homeowners consider heating systems and modern boiling systems essential. However, these additions increase the worth of your home, so you are advised to upgrade your existing system.

7- NEW PARKING LOT. Many potential buyers require a parking lot within the property. Homeowners again have to consider the target buyer while choosing this improvement.

8- FITTING UP THE BATHROOMS. Bathrooms tend to seem old and stained quickly because of the high level of humidity usually caught inside. While executing home improvements, owners should consider new fittings for the toilet. Read more...

9- IMPROVING THE GARDEN. Owners tend to neglect the outside while improving their homes. Which is wrong. However, potential buyers get a primary impression from watching the outside, and thus, owners should consider sprucing up the garden with lighting, some furniture, or plants. Get more useful tips about landscaping your yards here.

10- PAINTING AND REDECORATING. To get your property rank to premium, you would consider renovating your concrete walls while putting it up purchasable. Owners should choose a replacement paint job with neutral colors to make it look fresh and full of life.

11- REFURBISHING THE KITCHEN. The kitchen is the most visited and consumed area of the house over the years. Modernized kitchen fittings are getting more populated and demanded, and may become good home improvements that surely add value to everyone's home. Read more...

12- ROOF REMODELING. It is one of the most popular home improvement projects. It not only enhances the curb appeal of your home but also increases its resale value. Read more...

As you can see, you are not going to spend a lot of money to have your home renovated if you've got the opportunity to try to do it yourself (DIY). With some instructions and a little perception and good work planning, anyone can turn boring concrete into an interesting piece of art.

Are the Home Improvement Equity Loans worth it?

But how to make your dream a reality, among all those technical and financial issues that may put your project temporarily on hold? In other terms, where to finance the renovation project and remodeling of your house? If this is your major restriction, then home improvement equity loans are the perfect solution for you. 

It will support you with the necessary budget for renovating your existing home. Are you wondering what the term equity has to do in your home?

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EQUITY is the market value of your home after the deduction of any debts or taxes previously token on its behalf. You may ask also, who will decide on the exact market value of your house? Then legally, every bank or real estate loan foundation has its experts for property market estimation. 

With home improvement equity loans, you can borrow up to 125% of your property equity depending upon your requirement, and based on the expert’s evaluation of your house.

Normally, lenders place no limitations on your home improvement works, as long as they are within the limitations of your local construction requirements and rules. Depending on the type of improvement, you have the choice of doing the home improvement work yourself or using a home contractor. You just need to do a little research while looking for the right lender for you.

Overall, home improvement equity loans will supply you with the right provisions to transfer your place of living into a real home, you always dreamed of. This is your unique chance to add value to your home!


In some countries, and depending on the local economic and financial status of those regions, the above-cited services may not be available.

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